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Lite Low Fat Passionfruit Yoghurt - £1.00 Per Sachet

Lite Low Fat Passionfruit Yoghurt - £1.00 Per Sachet

Lite Low Fat Passionfruit Yoghurt - £1.00 Per Sachet

Price: £1.00

For every sachet you buy we will add one FREE to your order.

Each sachet makes 1kg of fresh yoghurt in any thermal yoghurt maker, but best result is in the Hansells Yoghurt Maker.

All natural

2 probiotics (A+B)

4 active cultures


Good source of calcium

99% fat free

Hansells Yoghurt will keep fresh for up to 2 weeks in the fridge.

Hansells Lite Passionfruit make your own yoghurt sachets contain probiotic bacteria and can be used with thermal yoghurt makers.

Fresh yoghurt is best for you, Hansells Lite Passionfruit Yoghurt is lower in fat and contains active live cultures, probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis which promotes healthy microbial balance for a healthy digestive system and beneficial micro-organisms.

Hansells Lite Passionfruit Yoghurt is lower in fat, easy to make and all natural.

Ingredients: Non Fat Milk Powder, Sugar, Natural Flavour, Natural Colour (Carotene), Lactic Cultures (L.bulgaricus, S.thermophilus, L.acidophilus, Bifido. lactis).

Contains: Milk

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